1.Write a comparison!
Jairo compared Alfredo and Cristobal
compare almost anything-dos products ¨{- televisions-washing machines
2.Write an invitacion
Include information
*Where is it?
*What time does it start?
*What should we bring?
3.Write about an artist
*What kind of music do they play?
*Do they blend genres?
*What do you think about it
¨{-your opinion,criticism
4.Write directions on how to get to a destination
eston son lo blogs asubir por si alguien no se acuerda o se les olvido copiarlo aqui estan para que chequen cuales se van a subir
ResponderEliminarThank you very much! Good work on your blog too!
ResponderEliminarI hope this helps your classmates to know what to publish on their blogs.