martes, 13 de abril de 2010


Invitation +Excuses

{ *man-chapa
chu -Jelou!
chu-How are you?
cha-ok,fine,thanks,and you?
chu-I'm very crazy why?
cha-sorry.I'm very busy,Bye!
chu-there's a party tonight in vincent Beach
cha-what time?
chu-It starts at 9 o'clock tonight
cha-who's going to be there?
chu-Everyone, would you like to go with me?
cha-I'd like to, but I can't, I have to wash my hair
chu-That's okay come on! c'mon Let's go!!
*Questions for the invitations + excuses
Do you want?
would you like?
I would like to
I'd like to

1 comentario:

  1. en este ejercicio aprendimos como realizar una invitacion a alguien,tambien como podemos rechazar a esta invitacion,utilizamos would you like to with me para preguntar si a esa persona le gustaria salir con nosotros,tambien hicimos una actividad en clases con mis compañeros realizando nuestras propias invitaciones y excusas estuvo muy divertido,thank teacher por la actividad
